Helping young
people to get
relationship smart

CPD certified facilitator training
ASDAN accredited Programme

Escape the TRAP: Teen Dating Abuse

Being a teenager can be a difficult time for many, but when young people find themselves in a relationship which is coercive, toxic, harmful and tricky to navigate, it can leave them with extra layers of confusion and self-doubt.

Escape the Trap is a programme specifically designed to help all young people, however they identify, to recognise abusive behaviours and identify the impact of such behaviours on their mental health and emotional well‑being. The programme supports them to consider their expectations of relationships and what kind of partner they would like, as well as the kind of partner they would like to be.

The group helped me to express my feelings and emotions. The programme is really good and I would advise anyone who has been though domestic abuse to attend the programme.


In response to week 5 of the programme – the Taker – ‘Write a poem or lyrics for a song’:

When I wake up, I cover the pain with make up, from your names, and your games, bit by bit, with every horrible hit, you slowly, kill me.


The programme was eye opening, surprising, interesting and worth doing. I think the programme should be done in PHSE lessons and on the curriculum. We have some sex education but nothing about abusive relationships, plus considering a lot of it is teenage relationships, teenagers go to high school.


Most of us had experienced different types of abuse, and different situations. I would say do Escape the Trap, it’s really helpful


The best course I have ever done. It open’s your eyes.


The group really helped me understand why the abuse happened to me. It is very informative and helpful.


The programme has made me aware that anyone can be in an abusive relationship and that 80% of abused girls carry on dating their abuser. I’m not the only one who has been in that situation.


I would say the programme helps teenage girls to identify abuse and that the programme helps you to speak out


Attending group is like a place you go to find out about relationships and how to be in a happy position without pushing anyone away – It’s helpful and easy to get an understanding about abuse.


The group really worked well for me because I realised I’m not alone and the only person who has experienced issues. I have got closer to someone who understands and would say go for it and take it seriously.


About the programme

Escape the TRAP (Teenage Relationship Abuse Programme) has been developed in acknowledgement of the rising numbers of young people identified as being vulnerable to intimate relationship abuse. The statistics on the prevalence of teenage relationship abuse and its’ impact on the wellbeing and mental health of young people who find themselves victims of such coercion and control, do not make for happy reading.

Facilitator training

Over the three-day facilitator training, practitioners will gain an understanding of the complex dynamics of teenage relationship abuse, grooming, sexual coercion and the impact on mental health.

Books & resources