Escape the TRAP: Teen Dating Abuse
Being a teenager can be a difficult time for many, but when young people find themselves in a relationship which is coercive, toxic, harmful and tricky to navigate, it can leave them with extra layers of confusion and self-doubt.
Escape the Trap is a programme specifically designed to help all young people, however they identify, to recognise abusive behaviours and identify the impact of such behaviours on their mental health and emotional well‑being. The programme supports them to consider their expectations of relationships and what kind of partner they would like, as well as the kind of partner they would like to be.
About the programme
Escape the TRAP (Teenage Relationship Abuse Programme) has been developed in acknowledgement of the rising numbers of young people identified as being vulnerable to intimate relationship abuse. The statistics on the prevalence of teenage relationship abuse and its’ impact on the wellbeing and mental health of young people who find themselves victims of such coercion and control, do not make for happy reading.