Psychotherapist and author Cathy Press shares the warning signs that your teen is in trouble. Bad partners can be broken down into five categories The Charmer may shower your teen with gifts to get their wayThe Bully will send your child into a constant state of...
Belfast Telegraph: Telltale signs your teen is in an unhealthy relationship
The Telegraph: The five types of toxic relationship – and how to spot them
Up to two-thirds of teenagers experience some form of relationship abuse at least once. Here are the signs to look out for ByAnna Maxted From The Taker to The Bully, these common types of relationship are easy to spot, once armed with expert advice Credit: Ruby...
Metro: Signs you’re dating a wolf in sheep’s clothing
April 2022 Newsletter
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Metro: Are you trapped in a toxic relationship? Here are the signs – and how to leave
Metro: Are you being love bombed? Four questions to ask to figure it out
Blogger – Veesreadinglist When Love Bites – A young person’s guide to escapeing the trap og harmful, toxic and hurtful relationships is the book that I am happy to see around. Cathy Press talks about the controlling and abusive relationships in... What is gaslighting and is it happening in your relationship?
Metro: There are five types of toxic partners – are you dating one?
Thrilled to have my book mentioned on @MetroUK today talking all about the 5 types of toxic partner.